Noticing A Potential Defect for the First Time
By: The Naumann Law Firm
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Noticing A Potential Defect for the First Time
Construction defects happen. Each year, many homeowners find construction defects in their recently constructed homes or converted condominium. In the state of California, a homeowner has different timelines and options to help get their construction defect(s) fixed without having to pay to fix the problems themselves. Just a few common defects are: cracks in the drywall or foundation, faulty drains or plumbing, or leaking doors and windows.
In California, the law requires that the defect needs to be reported within a certain number of years, generally from one to ten years, from the date of construction completion. The time allowed depends on the type of defect. Regardless of the type of defect, if you notice a defect, don’t delay; act immediately.
Once you notice the defect, document it right away. Take notes and photographs of the problem including how and if it is getting worse, and how you noticed it.
There are many steps involved in a construction defect litigation, from inspections, to testing, warranties, and insurance. Our team is well equipped to handle many different kinds of construction defect cases. Our legal practice is solely focused on construction defect litigation.
If you’re unsure of what route to take getting repairs for your construction defect, reach out to a California construction defect attorney. To learn more about construction defects and filing a lawsuit, click our construction defect litigation page.
If you’re a homeowner, association or builder seeking representation in construction defect litigation, our team at Naumann Law Firm in San Diego can help. We have more than 35 years of experience handling significant construction defect cases. To contact us, call 844-492-7474 or visit our San Diego construction defect contact page. We also work with clients in Los Angeles, Orange County, Riverside, San Bernardino.