Having Trouble With Your HOA Not Working on Your Complaints?
Condo and townhome living certainly has it perks. Dealing with the homeowner association isn’t usually one of them. Many property owners and residents often have complaints about the way the...
The San Diego Rainy Season Tests Hidden Construction Defects
As many Southern Californians know, The rainy season of the year lasts for 5.9 months of the year, from October 25 to April 22, with an average 31-day rainfall of at least 0.5 inches....
Tips On Expansive Soil: How To Avoid Foundation Problems As A Home Owner
A few weeks back, we wrote an article about what Expansive Soil is and how it can create problems for your foundation along with what to look for if your...
Expansive Soil Continues to be a Problem for Foundations Under California Properties
In a typical year in California, expansive soils cause damage to more homes than earthquakes and floods combined. For year ending 2022, It was no different. Expansive soil is a...