
The Interfaith Shelter represents the work of more than 100 San Diego County congregations and 3,500+ volunteers who link to offer hands up to people seeking an end to their homelessness. The volunteers and congregations collectively have sheltered more than 8,000 homeless people for more than 200,000 bed nights since 1986. More than half of our shelter guests leave our shelters for more permanent housing because of the professional guidance they receive from our case management agencies and the personal attention they receive from Network volunteers.
San Diego Habitat for Humanity (SDHFH), a faith-based organization, works in partnership with families to strengthen communities and transform lives by building new homes, rehabilitating existing homes, and making affordable homeownership a reality for people in need in our community.
SDHFH is the local affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International and serves the County of San Diego. SDHFH is an autonomous, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. It is governed locally, raises funds locally, and builds locally.
SDHFH builds simple and decent, affordable homes for ownership by low-income families. SDHFH offers “a hand up, not a handout” to partner families who invest “sweat equity” in helping to build their own homes. Families then purchase their homes through zero-profit, zero-interest mortgages. Families qualify for the Habitat program based on ability to repay the mortgage, need for improved housing, and willingness to partner with SDHFH through sweat equity.
Habitat homes are built with donations of money, materials and labor. To date, SDHFH has built 149 homes throughout San Diego County, with over 130 more on the drawing boards.
Elaine Gower, our Marketing Director is involved with Challenged Athletes Foundation’s (CAF) Operation Rebound.
Operation Rebound is a program designed to get soldiers injured in the line of duty back into the active world by participating in sports. As many of you know, CAF helps thousands of Challenged Athletes achieve their dreams and goals by providing grants for equipment such as hand cycles, skiing equipment, prosthetics, assistance with travel, bikes, etc. CAF brought 20 soldiers out for the SDTC in 2002 and 2008. Some watched while others participated. Operation Rebound has been a great success and has allowed us to expand on our fundraising opportunities to make 2014 another outstanding year.
Melissa’s inspirational story. (Melissa and I at Oceanside a few years ago pictured above)
In May 2002, Melissa was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant into the United States Army. In March 2004, the 1st CAV division was deployed to Iraq. On April 13, 2004, Melissa was on a routine convoy through Baghdad and a roadside bomb hit her HUMVEE. The blast took off her left leg; Melissa spent a year at Walter Reed Army Medical Center undergoing multiple surgeries and rehabilitation. One year, one week and one leg later, Melissa was medically retired from the Army with a purple heart and a bronze star.
Soon after Melissa moved to MN to pursue her new career in the field of prosthetics. She had been introduced to swimming through physical therapy at Walter Reed and after learning of the Paralympic Games she set her sights on the 2008 Paralympics in Beijing. Melissa became competitive with club teams in MN and spent her days in school and at the pool. When schooling was finished Melissa moved to IL to start her residency but put her career on hold and moved out to the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs to dedicate her time to making the team.The move paid off and at the U.S. Paralympic Team Swimming Trials in April 2008 Melissa posted times fast enough to land a spot on the 2008 Paralympic Team. It was a dream come true. In Beijing Melissa swam the 100 fly, 100 free and the 400 free. Unfortunately, she failed to qualify for finals in any of her events and came home with only a participation medal. As disappointed as she was, she couldn’t have been prouder to be a part of team USA, representing this great country once again. Melissa had the honor of being chosen to carry the American flag into the Bird’s nest during closing ceremonies and realized that sometimes the journey to get somewhere is more important than the destination and the number of medals you win. Once back in US, the Olympic and Paralympic teams went to the White house where they had the privilege of meeting President Bush.
Dear Mr. Naumann:
Your gift will help change a life.
- Turning a child with a physical challenge into a teammate at recess
- Transforming a wounded vet into the dad who is ready to play with his kids again
- Empowering an accident victim to no longer ask “why me,” and now ask “what’s next?”
- Delivering the tools to create role models, mentors and future ParaOlympians
You have done your part by supporting the Challenged Athletes Foundation. Now it is our turn to provide empowering adaptive equipment, encouragement from a fellow athlete or the funds to make training and travel possible, so a challenged athlete can participate in life-affirming sports.You have entrusted us to make a difference with your gift, and we promise to deliver as we have over the 18 year history of our organization. Because of our generous fundraisers and donors who make up our community of support, we have filled over 5,000 funding requests and raised over $30 million since 1994.
Thank you for your donation. Your gift not only will make an impact now, but be assured it will also change the course of a life for a person with a physical challenge.
Thank you again for your generosity.
Sincerely, Jennifer Rose, Development Manager
Challenged Athletes Inc. | Challenged Athletes Foundation
Non-Profit #33-0739596

The Naumann Law Firm likes to be active in our community, and we love to give back! On July 20th, our team participated as a breakfast sponsor at CAI Feeding America San Diego.
Feeding San Diego is the leading hunger-relief charity serving San Diego County. Feeding San Diego is on a mission to solve hunger while ending food waste. The organization distributes healthy, nutritious meals to more than 63,000 children, individuals, seniors, and military members through two distinct methods.
Dear Mr. Naumann on behalf of The Naumann Law Firm, PC,
The American Red Cross is very grateful for your generous gift to California Wildfires.
The humanitarian efforts of the Red Cross provide comfort and hope to so many during their times of need. Thank you for your commitment to this critically important work. Our mission depends on the support and compassion of donors like you.
On behalf of those we serve, thank you for standing with us.
President and CEO, American Red Cross
Each year The Naumann Law Firm supports the Hawaii Children’s Cancer Foundation by sponsoring a banner at the West Coast Conference. The foundation receives 100% all proceeds from the donation.